L A Times: Deeply underwater homeowners to get most aid from foreclosure deal

From The Los Angeles Times – Jim Puzzanghera and E. Scott Reckard:

Reporting from Washington and Los Angeles—Homeowners more deeply underwater on mortgages handled by five major U.S. banking firms are prime candidates for getting help from a $25-billion nationwide settlement over alleged foreclosure abuses.

Click here for full article.

About David Mayes

David Mayes has recently received his GREEN certification from the National Association of Realtors. If you enjoy personal attention and great customer service - you need look no further, he cares for his clients and will always go the extra mile to make a deal happen or make a client happy. Whether you are a BUYER or a SELLER all of your needs and wants will be met. With a Master's Degree in Business Administration, Short Sale certified, David brings a rare combination of investment savvy and seasoned experience to every transaction. He writes regularly on OCRealEstateWatch.com and can be reached at david@ocrealestatehq.com or by phone at 949-632-8115.
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